Wednesday, July 6, 2016

7/6/15 -Staying Positive

Hi, quick update on Jan:

While they are unsure why she lost 10 pounds, they gave her something for appetite and with fluids she's up over 20 pounds which they think is almost all water weight. She is swollen and a little uncomfortable. They're taking care of it though. And with her food allergies she's down to maybe 5 options for meals and she's over them already.

Since Jan doesn't have her appointment with the transplant team until the 14th, she's left without a lot of answers until then, and without answers it's easy for the mind to wander and worry. While we are all overwhelmed at the kind and wonderful people who are constantly willing to help and we understand good intentions, we are trying to keep positive until we have a better understanding of her situation.

A lot of people ask what they can do, if you want to visit Jan, you can always send a text to see if you can bring her another snack or meal option other than the hospital food? You can always send her something funny, laughter is always better than crying.

Since there is still a lot we don't know, we know it's best to stay positive and keep our heads up through this. We don't know the answer to a lot of hard questions right now, but we do know Jan is still here, still a Mom, Grandma, sister, and friend. and she needs a good laugh right about now.

Thanks again for the continued prayers and thoughts on our family's behalf.

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