Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Yesterday they took a CT of Jan to see why she couldn't keep anything down and why her body wasn't functioning properly.  They were suspecting some kind of obstruction in her intestines. They said this wasn't the chemo making her sick.
The CT results showed...nothing. While yes, she still has tumors in her intestines, nothing is preventing her body from keeping food down and processing it so today they're going to remove the NG tube which was feeding her, and they're going to feed her real food, give her some meds to help and see what happens.
They are going to keep her one more night for observation and hopefully send her home tomorrow. 
While the CT results showed nothing making her sick, the tumors haven't grown or multiplied and with how fast the cancer is, it was a relief to hear. Jan asked if the chemo had shrunk them at all, and they told her that unfortunately, it doesn't work that fast. It'll be at least 6-8 rounds.
And her hair had been holding on until this morning. She says it doesn't look bad but she's lost enough that she's going to cut off the rest and wear a wig she picked out. 

They've given her morphine so she can rest so, sorry, no visitors. She really needs to sleep.

Again we want to thank everyone for their continued support.

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