Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Update from Jan:

Yesterday I did my outpatient Retuxin at Utah Cancer Specialists.  The first time I had it, I was on my loopy drugs, so all I did was sleep and have weird dreams.  But yesterday I realized the first half hour they run benedryl and another drug first.  It made me so sleepy I could barely stay awake.  A former co- worker and friend, Kimmi Shaw had talked to Kaitlyn and Kaitlyn encouraged her to come keep me company but by the time she got there I could barely keep my eyes open.  So she sat and mostly watched me sleep for 2 of the 3 hours she was there.  By the time the drip was done the benedryl had worn off and I was fully awake. I realized I could definitely drive myself there and home next time.  But Kimmi drove me to the hospital for quick blood work and then dropped me off at home around 3:30.  

Today I woke up feeling a little sick from the Retuxin.  I was to report to the hospital at 8 am, then be taken directly down for the spinal fluid chemo directly after.  However there was a mixup and the hospital didn't get the order so they had to squeeze me in later, which ended up being at 3 pm for the spinal fluid chemo.  And I couldn't start the pink chemo until after the spinal fluid chemo because of the radiation they use to direct the needle into my spine.  So, I was here at 8am but didn't start the pink chemo until 5:30pm. Frustrating!  Which means I won't be released until after 6pm on Saturday.

Right now I'm not up for visitors because I'm fighting nausea and can't regulate my internal temp.  I'm either cold or hot - but my temperature always shows 98.6 so it's just me.  Oh, and the head nurse  from last time is here, so no flowers. Ha ha. 

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